Our diffusion filters work by spreading a light beam and reducing the contrast ratio between highlight areas. This creates a softening effect that adds a flattering glow to the subjects in a composition. Whether you're aiming for a subtle diffusion or a more pronounced effect, we have a broad range of diffusion filters to meet your needs. Discover our full range of diffusion gels and filters. Shop online with LEE Filters.

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  • 404 Half Soft Frost Lighting Gel

    Important Notice: this item is nonreturnable. LEE 404 Half Soft Frost Roll Lighting Gel. A useful diffuser without too much light loss but very pliable to handle. Diffusion characteristics fall between...
  • 410 Opal Frost Lighting Gel

    Important Notice: this item is nonreturnable. LEE 410 Opal Frost Lighting Gel, a weak diffusion used for softening spotlight beam edges without altering shape. Manufactured on a 23 micron polyester...
  • 414 Highlight Flexi Frost Diffusion Gel

    Important Notice: this item is nonreturnable.LEE 414 Highlight Flexi Frost Diffusion Gel . A useful diffuser without too much light loss in a thick form. Diffusion characteristics similar to 252. Full...
  • 416 Three Quarter White Diffusion Lighting Gel

    Important Notice: this item is nonreturnable. LEE 416 Three Quarter White Diffusion Lighting Gel. A strong to medium diffusion used for soft light effects. Manufactured on a tough Polyester base in...
  • 420 Light Opal Frost Lighting Gel

    LEE 420 Light Opal Frost Lighting Gel. A weak diffusion similar to Opal Frost, but less diffuse. Manufactured on a 36 micron polyester base. Full technical details for 420 Light...
  • 429 Quiet Frost Lighting Gel

    Important Notice: this item is nonreturnable. LEE 429 Quiet Frost Roll Lighting Gel. A strong diffuser that creates a wide field of soft illumination but is thicker than the 402...
  • 430 Grid Cloth Diffusion

    Important Notice: this item is nonreturnable.LEE 430 Grid Cloth Diffusion Filter is a waterproof textile/fabric specifically designed for use in theatres, TV studios, on film sets and for photographic lighting. These...
  • 432 Light Grid Cloth Diffusion

    Important Notice: this item is nonreturnable.LEE 432 Light Grid Cloth Diffusion Filter is a waterproof textile/fabric specifically designed for use in theatres, TV studios, on film sets and for photographic lighting....
  • 434 Quarter Grid Cloth Diffusion

    Important Notice: this item is nonreturnable.LEE 434 Quarter Grid Cloth Diffusion Filter is a waterproof textile/fabric specifically designed for use in theatres, TV studios, on film sets and for photographic lighting....
  • 439 Heavy Quiet Frost Diffusion Gel

    Important Notice: this item is nonreturnable.LEE 439 Heavy Quiet Frost Diffusion Gel.  A very strong diffuser, but pliable to handle, which virtually eliminates shadows at a close distance. Full technical details...
  • 450 Three Eighths White Diffusion Lighting Gel

    Important Notice: this item is nonreturnable. A weak diffusion used for soft light effects. Manufactured on a tough Polyester base in a range of seven strengths. Full technical specifications for...
  • 452 Sixteenth White Diffusion Lighting Gel

    Important Notice: this item is nonreturnable. LEE 452 Sixteenth White Diffusion Lighting Gel. A weak diffusion used for soft light effects. Manufactured on a tough Polyester base in a range...
  • 460 Quiet Grid Cloth Diffusion

    Important Notice: this item is nonreturnable.LEE 460 Quiet Grid Cloth Diffusion Filter is a textile/fabric specifically designed for use in theatres, TV studios, on film sets and for photographic lighting. These...
  • 462 Quiet Light Grid Cloth Diffusion

    Important Notice: this item is nonreturnable.LEE 462 Quiet Light Grid Cloth Diffusion Filter is a textile/fabric specifically designed for use in theatres, TV studios, on film sets and for photographic lighting....
  • 464 Quiet Quarter Grid Cloth Diffusion

    Important Notice: this item is nonreturnable.LEE 464 Quiet Quarter Grid Cloth Diffusion Filter is a textile/fabric specifically designed for use in theatres, TV studios, on film sets and for photographic lighting....
  • 750 Durham Frost Lighting Gel

    Important Notice: this item is nonreturnable.LEE 750 Durham Frost Lighting Gel.  A frost that almost completely softens shutter edges and removes hot spots. Full technical specifications for 750 Durham Frost...

Showing: 17 - 32 of 41

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